Drama Duck Lamp

Drama Duck Lamp

This squishy LED Drama Duck Lamp just wants to lie in peace.

The soft light and 3 levels of brightness makes it a great night light for sleeping and even just reading. It also makes a great phone holder.

Drama Duck Lamp

Review: Everyone should have a duck buddy!

“I absolutely love this duck. Huge life upgrade. I bought it for myself because I stub my toe in the dark on the way to the bathroom. So I dangle him by his little feet and carry him like a lantern. Great as a companion to the kitchen for midnight snacks. He holds my phone and Nintendo switch perfectly when I’m in bed or traveling. No issues with the charge port and it comes with a cord. The three settings are perfect and it lasts a long time on one charge. If you’re ever feeling sad or just need an adorable ambient light source because your partner is an early bird and you’re a night owl- just buy the duck!”

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