Brigitte Bardot: Sex-Kitten of the 50s and 60s


Brigitte Bardot is a French actress, singer, and former fashion model . She became an international cultural icon in the 1950s and 1960s and was dubbed the ultimate sex-kitten. Here are 20 pictures that will show you how she earned that title.

Bridgette Bardot

She was born on September 28, 1934, in Paris, France. Bardot is known for her beauty, sensuality, and distinctive style, which contributed to her status as a sex symbol of her time.

Bridgette Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

She gained fame for her roles in numerous French films, including “And God Created Woman” (1956), directed by Roger Vadim, which helped establish her as a major sex symbol. Bardot’s image and popularity transcended borders, making her a global star and a symbol of the changing social and cultural landscape of the era.

Bridgette Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

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Bridgette Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

Outside of her acting career, Bardot also ventured into music, releasing several albums and singles. She often used her celebrity status to draw attention to various social and political causes, such as animal rights and environmental conservation.

Bridgette Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

However, Bardot’s outspoken nature and controversial statements on various topics, including immigration and religion, have sometimes overshadowed her artistic accomplishments. In more recent years, she has faced legal troubles due to her comments on these matters.

Bridgette Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

Despite the controversies, Brigitte Bardot remains an important figure in the history of cinema and popular culture, celebrated for her contributions to film, fashion, and her impact on society during her prime years in the entertainment industry.

Bridgette Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridget Bardot

Bridgette Bardot

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