Amazing Facts About Nuclear Weapons That Will Blow You Away


These facts about nuclear weapons will show you why the only nuclear bomb ever dropped in conflict was in 1945. We could destroy the entire world with just a fraction of the nuclear weapons we have. The only reason nuclear war hasn’t started yet is mutual destruction. There would never be a clear winner.  Here are the good, the bad, and the horrifying facts about nuclear weapons.

On 30th October 1961, the Soviet Union Created the largest bomb ever detonated. The Tzar Bomba was 3,800 times stronger than the U.S. bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

If a nuclear bomb does drop, the effect will be just like Terminator 2. The fireball radius right under the bomb will vaporize you in a matter of milliseconds. The next area is the blast damage radius and this is mostly quick. The outer thermal radius can still cause 3rd degree burns. The Tzar bomb can do this 37 miles away from ground zero.

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